St John Bosco Catholic Primary School - News - BeYou@BoscoThis year St John Bosco launched a wellbeing initiative, Be You @ Bosco.  The aim is for our community to be positive, resilient and inclusive where every child, staff member and family member are proud of themselves.

Our action team including, staff members and SRC students have been working hard to promote positive mental health for all our community members. Some initiatives already implemented included:

  • two full staff professional learning days for teachers on the new Personal Development, health and Physical education syllabus with a social and emotional learning focus
  • new school displays to welcome the community
  • the introduction to our new Social and Emotional Learning classroom Program ‘Random Acts of Kindness’
  • a school commitment to introduce mindfulness time every morning
  • our new Mantra launch – Be Proud of Yourself as you Grow, Strive and Achieve
  • more co-curricular and wellbeing activities during recess and lunch
  • commitment to staff wellbeing with wellbeing initiative every week for staff